
A rapidly growing international team of 100+ professionals :
  • Laboratories in Los Angeles (USA) and Vilnius (Lithuania).
  • Local branches in Bulgaria, Poland, and Ukraine.
  • Reliable business network of local partnerships in Brazil, Germany, Great Britain, India, Latvia, and South Africa.
Sergiy Revin
MD, MBA Founder, CEO
Alexander Deneka
MD, PhD, Lead Scientist
Tetiana Sydoruk
MBA, MPA, Chief Business
Development Officer
We employ the latest technologies to tailor research solutions to your needs.

We are a clinical research organization, which provides a variety of well-characterized biomaterials for pharmaceutical companies and research organizations, including tissue samples, cell lines, and 3D models of the tumor.

Main benefits of working with us:

Customizable solutions for clinical trials using 3D models.

Access to a large pool of biosamples, including cell lines and organoids.

Full control over product cycle: from sample collection to delivery to the client.

Faster and more efficient clinical trials using subjects with brain death.

Reliable network of labs in America and Europe for processing, testing, and quality control.

Comprehensive network of human biospecimen collection sites from North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.



Opened business in the U.S.


First branch in Ukraine; launched tumor samples biobank


Launched separate R&D project, DRL


R&D of tumor 3D cultures


Opened lab in San Diego


Global expansion to representatives in Bulgaria and Poland; opened lab in Ukraine.


Opened lab in Lithuania.


Optimization of cancer models


Opened Lab in Los Angeles


– further expansion of products and services
Contract research organization, which provides solutions for pharma and diagnostics companies, including consulting, cancer models development, and various assays for drug development.
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